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Memorial Page

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NYC  with WORLD TRADE CENTER in middle backround.

A picture is worth a thousand words......This is the main picture for this page ,because this is what the memorial is for......

This page is dedicated to those people who lost their lives in the September 11,2001 terrorist attack.I would like to add a prayer to this page.

Dear Heavenly Father,
We are moved by the alarming news and crisis that our country is facing. This,the greatest nation,founded in the belief that "In God We Trust" & the "Land of the Free". Please have mercy on those suffering,hurting and in fear, and give wisdom & strength to those who are assisting.May the forces of evil be broken by your power and may we humble before you,our strength and refuge.Give wisdom to our president & all our leaders and bring your comforting peace through the power of your Holy Spirit.Help us to reach to those that have been affected by this tragedy.In the name of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. AMEN

American Bald Eagle in flight....This bird also represents our nation's freedom,power,and liberty....

American Flag....God Bless America,and it's people

American Pride Please Click On Me

I saw the whole attack from my island base,and now I am a sad symbol of Liberty and Freedom.

no questions at this time.