
7 December 1941 On the afternoon of 6 December 1941, Tai Sing Loo, the colorful Pearl Harbor Navy Yard photographer,
arranged with Platoon Sergeant Charles R. Christenot, the noncommissioned-officer-in-charge of the Main Gate at the Navy Yard,
to have his Marines pose for a photograph between 0830 and 0930 Sunday morning, in front of the new concrete main gate. The
photo was to be for a Christmas card. As war clouds gathered over the Pacific basin in late 1941, the United States Pacific
Fleet operated, as it had since May 1940, from Pearl Harbor. While the security of that fleet and for the island of Oahu lay
in the Army's hands, that of the Navy Yard and the Naval Air Stations at Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Bay lay in the hands of
Marines. In addition, on board the fleet's battleships, aircraft carriers, and some of its cruisers, Marines provided security,
served as orderlies for embarked flag officers and ships' captains, and manned secondary antiaircraft and machine gun batteries
seagoing duties familiar to the Corps since its inception. The Marine Barracks at Pearl Harbor comprised a Barracks Detachment
and two companies, A and B, the men living in a comfortable three-story concrete barracks. Company A manned the main gates
at the Submarine Base and Navy yard, and other "distant outposts," providing yard security, while Company B enforced
traffic regulations and maintained proper police and order under the auspices of the Yard Police Officer. In addition, Marines
ran the Navy Yard Fire Department. Elements of Marine defense battalions made Pearl Harbor their home, too, residing in the
several 100-man temporary wooden barracks buildings that had been completed during 1940 and 1941. Less commodious but no less
important was the burgeoning airbase that Marines of Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 2 (later 21) had hewn and hammered out near
Barbers Point Ewa Mooring Mast Field, home for a Marine aircraft group consisting of fighting, scout-bombing, and utility
squadrons. On 27 November, having been privy to intelligence information gleaned from intercepted and translated Japanese
diplomatic message traffic, Admiral Harold R. Stark, the Chief of Naval Operations, and General George C. Marshall, the Army's
Chief of Staff, sent a war warning to their principal commanders on Oahu, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the Commander in Chief,
Pacific Fleet, and Lieutenant General Walter C. Short, the Commander of the Hawaiian Department. Thus adjured to take appropriate
defensive measures, and feeling that his more exposed advance bases needed strengthening, Kimmel set in motion a plan that
had been completed as early as 10 November, to provide planes for Midway and Wake. The latter was to receive fighters 12
Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats of Marine Fighter Squadron (VMF) 211 while Midway was to get scout bombers from Marine Scout-Bomber
Squadron (VMSB) 231. The following day, 28 November 1941, the carrier Enterprise (CV-6) departed Pearl in TaskForce 8 under
Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Jfr., Commander, Aircraft, Battle Force, embarking VMF-211 at sea. VMSB-231 was to embark
in another carrier Lexington (CV-2), in Task Force 12 under Rear Admiral John H. Newton, on 5 December. Pearl Harbor Navy
Yard, looking south, on 13 October 1941. Marine Barracks complex is located to the left of the tank farm visible just to left
of center. Several temporary wooden barracks, completed in early 1941, ring the parade ground.At the outset, apparently no
one except the squadron commanders knew their respective destinations, but the men of VMF-211 and VMSB-231, meanwhile, apparently
ordered their affairs and made ready for what was to appear as "advanced base exercises." Among those men seeing
to his financial affairs at Ewa Mooring Mast Field on 3 December 1941 was First Lieutenant Richard EW. Fleming, USMCR, who
wrote to his widowed mother: "This is the last time I'll be able to write for probably sometime. I'm sorry I can't give
you any details; it's that secret." On the 5th, Task Force 12 sailed from Pearl. Eighteen light gray Vought SB2U-3 Vindicators
from CMSB-231, under 41-year old Major Clarence J. "Buddy" Chappell, then made the 1.7-hour flight from Ewa and
landed on board Lexington, along with the "Lady Lex" air group. Planes recovered, the force set course for Midway.
The Lexington departed Pearl Harbor on the morning of 5 December. That afternoon saw the arrival of Battleship Division One
from gunnery exercises in the Hawaiian Operating Area, and the three dreadnoughts, Arizona (BB-39), Nevada (BB-36), and
Oklahoma (BB-37), moored in their assigned berths at the quays along Ford Island. The movements of the ships in and out of
Pearl Harbor had been the object of much interest on the part of th espionage system operating out of the Japanese consulate
in Honolulu throughout the year 1941, for the information its operatives were providing went to support an ambitious and bold
oeration that had taken shape over several months. Unbeknownst to Admiral Kimmel, a Japanese task force under the command
of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, formed around six carriers and the most powerful force of its kind ever assembled by any naval
power, had set out from the remote Kurile Islands on 27 November. It observed radio sxilence and steamed via the comparatively
less traveled northern Pacific. Nagumo's mission was to destroy the United States Pacific Fleet and thus ensure its being
unable to threaten the Japanese Southern Operation posed to attack American, British, and Dutch possessions in the Far
East. All of the warning signs made available to Admiral Kimmel and General Short pointed toward hostilities occurring within
the forseeable future, but not on Oahu. War, however, was about to burst upon the Marines at Pearl Harbor "like a thunderclap
from a clear sky." Suddenly Hurled into War Some 200 miles north of Oahu, Vice Admiral Nagumo's First Air Fleet
formed around the aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku and Zuikaku pressed southward in the pre-dawn
hours of 7 December 1941. At 0550, the dark gray ships swung to port, into the brisk easterly wind, and commenced launching
an initial strike of 184 planes 10 minutes later. A second strike would take off after an hour's interval. Once airborne,
the 51 Aichi D3A1 Type 99 dive bombers (Vals), 89 Nakajima B5N21 attack planes (Kates) used in high-level bombing or torpedo
bombing roles, and 43 Mitsubishi A6M2 Type 00 fighters (Zeroes), let by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida, Akagi's air group commander,
wheeled around, climbed to 3,000 meters, and droned toward the south at 0616. The only other military planes aloft that morning
were Douglas SBD Dauntlesses from Enterprise, flying searches ahead of the carrier as she returned from Wake Island, Army
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses heading in from the mainland, and Navy Consolidated PBY Catalinas on routine patrols out of
the naval air stations at Ford Island and Kaneohe. Aerial view of Ewa Mooring Mast Field, taken 2 December 1941, showing various
types of planes arrayed on the may and living accommodations at middle and right.Jordan Collection, MCHCThat morning, 15 of
the ships at Pearl Harbor numbered Marine detachments among their complements; eight battleships, two heavy cruisers, four
light cruisers, and one auxiliary. A 16th detachment, assigned to the auxiliary (target/gunnery training ship) Utah (AG-16),
was ashore on temporary duty at the 14th Naval District Rifle Range at Luuloa Point. The centrally located airship mooring
mast at Ewa from which the field derived its distinctive name, 13 February 1941.Jordan Collection, MCHC At 0753, Lieutenant
Frank Erickson, USCG, the Naval Air Station (NAS) Ford Island duty officer, watched Privates First Class Frank Dudovick and
James D. Young, and Private Paul O. Zeller, USMCR the Marine color guard march up and take post for Colors. Satisfied that
all looked in order outside, Erickson stepped back into the office to check if the assistant officer-of-the-day was ready
to play the recording for sounding Colors on the loudspeaker. The sound of two heavy explosions, however, sent the Coast Guard
pilot running to the door. He reached it just in time to see a Kate fly past 1010 Dock and release a torpedo. The markings
on the plane "Which looked like balls of fire" left no question as to its identity; the explosion of the torpedo
as it struck the battleship California (BB-44) moored near the administration building, left no doubt as to its intent. While
a Marine, foreground, looks skyward, the torpedoed battleship California (BB-44) lists to port. In the left background flies
"Old Glory," raised by PFCs Frank Dudovick and James D. Young, and Pvt Paul O. Zeller, USMCR."The Marines didn't
wait for colors," Erickson recalled later, "The flag went right up but the tune was general quarters." As "all
Hell" broke loose around them, Dudovick, Young, and Zeller unflinchingly hoisted the Stars and Stripes "with the
same smartness and precision" that had characterized their participation in peacetime ceremonies. At the crew barracks
on Ford Island, Corporal Clifton Webster and Private First Class Albert E. Yale headed for the roof immediately after general
quarters sounded. In the direct line of fire from strafing planes, they set up a machine gun. Across Oahu, as Japanese planes
swept in over NAS Kaneohe Bay, the Marine detachment there initially the only men who had weapons hurried to their posts and
began firing at the attackers. Since the American aircraft carriers were at sea, the Japanese targeted the battleships which
lay moored off Ford Island. At one end of Battleship Row lay Nevada. At 0802, the battleship's .50caliber machine guns opened
fire on the torpedo planes bearing down on them from the direction of the Navy Yard; her gunners believed that they had shot
one down almost immediately. An instant later, however, a torpedo penetrated her port side and exploded. Ahead of Nevada
lay Arizona, with the repair ship Vestal (AR-4) alongside, preparing for a tender availability. Major Alan Shapley had been
relieved the previous day as detachment commanding officer by Captain John H. Earle, Jr., who had come over to Arizona from
Tennessee (BB-43). Awaiting transportation to the Naval Operating Base, San Diego, and assignment to the 2d Marine Division,
Shapley was lingering on board to play first base on the battleship's baseball team in a game scheduled with the squad from
the carrier Enterprise (CV-6). After the morning meal, he started down to his cabin to change. Seated at breakfast, Sergeant
John M. Baker heard the air raid alarm, followed closely by an explosion in the distance and machine gun fire. Corporal Earl
C. Nightingale, leaving the table, had paid no heed to the alarm at the outset, since he had no antiaircraft battle station,
but ran to the door on the port side that opened out onto the quarterdeck at the sound of the distant explosion. Looking out,
he saw what looked like a bomb splash alongside Nevada. Marines from the ship's color guard then burst breathlessly into
the messing compartment, saying that they were being attacked. As general quarters sounded, Baker and Nightingale, among the
others, headed for their battle stations. Aft, congestion at the starboard ladder, that led through casemate no. 9, prompted
Second Lieutenant Carleton E. Simensen, USMCR, the ship's junior Marine officer, to force his way through. Both Baker and
Nightingale noted, in passing, that the 5-inch/51 there was already manned, and Baker heard Corporal Burnis L. Bond, the gun
captain, tell the crew to train it out. Nightingale noted that the men seemed "extremely calm and collected."
As Lieutenant Simensen led the Marines up the ladder on the starboard side of the mainmast tripod, an 800-kilogram converted
armor-piercing shell dropped by a Kate from Kaga ricocheted off the side of Turret IV. Penetrating the deck, it exploded
in the vicinity of the captain's pantry. Sergeant Baker was following Simensen up the mainmast when the bomb exploded, shrapnel
cutting down the officer as he reached the first platform. He crumpled to the deck. Nightingale, seeing him flat on his back,
bent over him to see what he could do but Simensen, dying, motioned for his men to continue on up the ladder. Nightingale
continued up to Secondary Aft and reported to Major Shapley that nothing could be done for Simensen. An instant later, a rising
babble of voices in the secondary station prompted Nightingale to call for silence. No sooner had the tense quiet settled
in when, suddenly, a terrible explosion shook the ship, as a second 800-kilogram bomb dropped by a Kate from Hiryu penetrated
the deck near Turret II and set off Arizona's forward magazines. An instant after the terrible fireball mushroomed upward,
Nightingale looked out and saw a mass of flames forward of the mainmast, and much in the tradition of Private William Anthony
of the Maine reported that the ship was afire *. "We'd might as well go below," Major Shapley said, looking around,
"we're no good here." Sergeant Baker started down the ladder. Nightingale,the last man out, followed Shapley down
the port side of the mast, the railings hot to the touch as they made their way below. Baker had just reached the searchlight
platform when he heard someone shout: "You can't use the ladder." Private First Class Kenneth D. Goodman, hearing
that and apparently assuming (incorrectly, as it turned out) that the ladder down was indeed unusable, instinctively leapt
in desperation to the crown of Turret III. Miraculously, he made the jump with only a slight ankle injury. Shapley, Nightingale,
and Baker, however, among others, stayed on the ladder and reached the boat deck, only to find it a mass of wreckage and fire,
with the bodies of the slain lying thick upon it. Badly charred men staggered to the quarterdeck. Some reached it only to
collapse and never rise. Among them was Corporal Bond, burned nearly black, who had been ordering his crew to train out no.
9 5-inch/51 at the outset of the battle; sadly, he would not survive his wounds. Shapley and Corporal Nightingale made their
way across the ship between Turret III and Turret IV, where Shapley stopped to talk with Lieutenant Commander Samuel G. Fuqua,
Arizona's first lieutenant and, by that point, the ship's senior officer on board. Fuqua, who appeared "exceptionally
clam," as he helped men over the side, listened as Shapley told him that it appeared that a bomb had gone down the stack
and triggered the explosion that doomed the ship. Since fighting the massive fires consuming the ship was a hopeless task,
Private Anthony, an instant after the explosion mortally damaged the battleship Maine in Havana harbor on 15 February 1898,
made his way to the captain's cabin, where he encountered that officer in a passageway outside. Drawing himself to attention,
Anthony reported that the ship was sinking. Fuqua told the Marine that he had ordered Arizona abandoned. Fuqua, the first
man Sergeant Baker encountered on the quarterdeck, proved an inspiration. "His calmness gave me courage," Baker
later declared, "and I looked around to see if I could help." Fuqua, however, ordered him over the side, too. Baker
complied. Shapley and Nightingale, meanwhile, reached the mooring quay alongside which Arizona lay when an explosion blew
them into the water. Nightingale started swimming for a pipeline 150 feet away but soon found that his ebbing strength would
not permit him to reach it. Shapley, seeing the enlisted man's distress, swam over and grasped his shirt front, and told him
to hang onto his shoulders. The strain of swimming with Nightingale, however, proved too much for even the athletic Shapley,
who began to experience difficulties himself. Seeing his former detachment commander foundering, Nightingale loosened his
grip on his shoulders and told him to go the rest of the way alone. Shapley stopped, however, and firmly grabbed him by the
shirt; he refused to let go. "I would have drowned," Nightingale later recounted, "but for the Major."
Sergeant Baker had seen their travail, but, too far away to help, made it to Ford Island alone. Several bombs, meanwhile,
fell close aboard Nevada, moored astern of Arizona, which had begun to hemorrhage fuel from ruptured tanks. Fire spread
to the oil that lay thick upon the water,threatening Nevada. As the latter counterflooded to correct the list, her acting
commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Francis, J. Thomas, USNR, decided that his ship had to get underway "to avoid
further danger due to proximity of Arizona." After receiving a signal from the yard tower to stand out of the harbor,
Nevada singled up her lines at 0820. She began moving from her berth 20 minutes later. Oklahoma, Nevada's sister
ship moored inboard of Maryland in berth F-5, meanwhile manned air-defense stations at about 0757, to the sound of gunfire.
After a junior officer passed the word over the general announcing system that it was not a drill providing a suffix of profanity
to underscore the fact all men not having an antiaircraft defense station were ordered to lay below the armored deck. Crews
at the 5-inch and 3-inch batteries, meanwhile, opened ready-use lockers. A heavy shock, followed by a loud explosion, came
soon thereafter as a torpedo slammed home in the battleship's port side. The "Okie" soon began listing to port.
Oil and water cascaded over the decks, making them extremely slippery and silencing the ready-duty machine gun on the forward
superstructure. Two more torpedoes struck home. The massive rent in the ship's side rendered the desperate attempts at damage
control futile. As Ensign Paul H. Backus hurried from his room to his battle station on the signal bridge, he passed his friend
Second Lieutenant Harry H. Gaver, Jr., one of Oklahoma's Marine detachment junior officers, "on his knees, attempting
to close a hatch on the port side, alongside the barbette [of Turret I] ... part of the trunk which led from the main deck
to the magazines ... There were men trying to come up from below at the time Harry was trying to close the hatch ..."
Backus never saw Gaver again. As the list increased and the oily, wet decks made even standing up a chore, Oklahoma's acting
commanding officer ordered her abandoned to save as many lives as possible. Directed to leave over the starboard side, away
from the direction of the roll, most of Oklahoma's men managed to get off, to be picked up by boats arriving to rescue survivors.
Sergeant Thomas E. Hailey, and Privates First Class Marlin "S" Seale and James H. Curran, Jr., swam to the nearby
Maryland. Hailey and Seale returned to the task of rescuing shipmates, Seale remaining on Maryland's blister ledge throughout
the attack, pulling men from the water. R. McPherson, who not only helped rescue others from the water but also helped to
fight that battleships' fires. Sergeant Woodrow A. Polk, a bomb fragment in his left hip, sprained his right ankle in
abandoning ship, while someone clambered into a launch over Sergeant Leo G. Wears and nearly drowned him in the process. Gunnery
Sergeant Norman L. Currier stepped from Oklahoma's red hull to a boat, dry-shod. Wears as Hailey and Curran soon found a
short-handed antiaircraft gun on Maryland's boat deck and helped pass ammunition. Private First Class Arthur J. Bruktenis,
whose column in the December 1941 issue of The Leatherneck would be the last to chronicle the peacetime activities of Oklahoma's
Marines, dislocated his left shoulder in the abandonment, but survived. A little over two weeks shy of his 23d birthday,
Corporal Willard D. Darling, an Oklahoma Marine who was a native Oklahoman, had meanwhile clambered on board a motor launch.
As it headed shoreward, Darling saw 51-year-old Commander Fred M. Rohow (Medical Corps), the capsized battleship's senior
medical officer, in a state of shock, struggling in the oily water. Since Rohow seemed to be drowning, Darling unhesitatingly
dove in and, along with Shipfitter First Class William S. Thomas, kept him afloat until a second launch picked them up. Strafing
Japanese planes and shrapnel from American guns falling around them prompted the abandonment of the launch at a dredge pipeline,
so Darling jumped in and directed the doctor to follow him. Again, the Marine rescued Rohow who proved too exhausted to make
it on his own and towed him to shore. Maryland, meanwhile inboard of Oklahoma, promptly manned her antiaircraft guns at
the outset of the attack, her machine guns opening fire immediately. She took two bomb hits, but suffered only minor damage.
Her Marine detachment suffered no casualties. On board Tennessee (BB-43), Marine Captain Chevey S. White, who had just turned
28 the day before, was standing officer-of-the-deck watch as that battleship lay moored inboard of West Virginia (BB-48)
in berth F-6. Since the commanding officer and the executive officer were both ashore, command devolved upon Lieutenant Commander
James W. Adams, Jr., the ship's gunnery officer. Summoned topside at the sound of the general alarm and hearing "all
hand to general quarters" over the ship's general announcing system, Adams sprinted to the bridge and spotted White en
route. Over the din of battle, Adams shouted for the Marine to "get the ship in condition Zed [i.e.: establish water-tight
integrity] as quickly as possible." Whit did so. By the time Adams reached his battle station on the bridge, White was
already at his own battle station, directing the ship's antiaircraft guns. During the action (in which the ship took one bomb
that exploded on the center gun of Turret II and another that penetrated the crown of Turret III, the latter breaking apart
without exploding), White remained at his unprotected station, coolly and courageously directing the battleship's antiaircraft
battery. Tennessee claimed four enemy planes shot down. West Virginia , outboard of Tennessee, had been scheduled to sail
for Puget Sound, due for overhaul, on 17 November, but had been retained in Hawaiian waters owing to the tense international
situation. In her exposed moorings, she thus absorbed six torpedoes, while a seventh blew her rudder free. Prompt counter-flooding,
however, prevented her from turning turtle as Oklahoma had done, and she sank, upright, alongside Tennessee. On board California,moored
singly off the administration building at the naval air station, junior officer of the deck on board had been Second Lieutenant
Clifford B. Drake. Relieved by Ensign Herbert C. Jones, USNR, Drake went down to the wardroom for breakfast (Kadota figs,
followed by steak and eggs) where, around 0755, he heard airplane engines and explosions as Japanese dive bombers attacked
the air station. The general quarters alarm then summoned the crew to battle stations. Drake, forsaking his meal, hurried
to the foretop. By 0803, the two ready machine guns forward of the bridge had opened fire, followed shortly thereafter by
guns no. 2 and 4 of the antiaircraft battery. As the gunners depleted the ready-use ammunition, however, two torpedoes struck
home in quick succession. California began to settle as massive flooding occurred. Meanwhile, fumes from the ruptured fuel
tanks she had been fueled to 95 percent capacity the previous day drove out the men assigned to the party attempting to bring
up ammunition for the guns by hand. A call for men to bring up additional gas masks proved fruitless, as the volunteers, who
included Private Arthur E. Senior, could not reach the compartment in which they were stored. California's losing power because
of the torpedo damage soon relegated Lieutenant Drake, in her foretop, to the role of "... a reporter of what was going
on ... a somewhat confused young lieutenant suddenly hurled into war." As California began listing after the torpedo
hits, Drake began pondering his own ship's fate. Comparing his ship's list with that of Oklahoma's, he dismissed California's
rolling over, thinking, "who ever heard of a battleship capsizing?" Oklahoma, however, did a few moments later.
Meanwhile, at about 0810, in response to a call for a chain of volunteers to pass 5-inch/25 ammunition, Private Senior
again stepped forward and soon clambered down to the C-L Division Compartment. There he saw Ensign Jones, Lieutenant Drake's
relief earlier that morning, standing at the foot of the ladder on the third deck, directing the ammunition supply. For almost
20 minutes, Senior and his shipmates toiled under Jones' direction until a bomb penetrated the main deck at about 0830, and
exploded on the second deck, plunging the compartment into darkness. As acrid smoke filled the compartment, Senior reached
for his gas mask, which he had lain on a shell box behind him, and put it on. Hearing someone say: "Mr. Jones has been
hit," Senior flashed his flashlight over on the ensign's face and saw that "it was all bloody. His white coat also
had blood all over it." Senior and another man then carried Jones as far as the M Division compartment, but the ensign
would not let them carry him any further. "Leave me alone," he gasped insistently, "I'm done for. Get out of
here before the magazines go off!" Soon thereafter, however, before he could get clear, Senior felt the shock of an explosion
from down below and collapsed, unconscious. Jones' gallantry which earned him a posthumous Medal of Honor impressed Private
Howard M. Haynes, who had been confined before the attack, awaiting a bad conduct discharge. After the battle, a contrite
Haynes "a mean character who had shown little or no respect for anything or anyone" before 7 December approached
Lieutenant Drake and said that he [Haynes] was alive because of the actions that Ensign Jones had taken. "God,"
he said, "give me a chance to prove I'm worth it." His actions that morning in the crucible of war earned Haynes
a recommendation for retention in the service. Most of California's Marines, like Haynes, survived the battle. Private First
Class Earl. D. Wallen and Privates Roy E. Lee, Jr. and Shelby C. Shook, however, did not. Nor did the badly burned Private
First Class John A. Blount, Jr., who succumbed to his wounds on 9 December. Nevada's attempt to clear the harbor, meanwhile,
inspired those who witnessed it. Her magnificent effort prompted a stepped-up effort by Japanese dive bomber pilots to sink
here. One 250-kilogram bomb hit her boat deck just aft of a ventilator trunk and 12 feet to the starboard side of the centerline,
about halfway between the stack and the end of the boat deck, setting off laid-out 5-inch ready-use ammunition. Spraying fragments
decimated the gun crews. The explosion wrecked the galley and blew open the starboard door of the compartment, venting into
casemate no. 9 and starting a fire that swept through the casemate, wrecking the gun. Although he had been seriously wounded
by the blast that had hurt both of his legs and stripped much of his uniform from his body, Corporal Joe R. Driskell disregarded
his own condition and insisted that he man another gun. He refused medical treatment, assisting other wounded men instead,
and then helped battle the flames. He did not quit until those fires were out. Another 250-kilogram bomb hit Nevada's bridge,
penetrating down into casemate no. 6 and starting a fire. The blast had also severed the water pipes providing circulating
water to the water-cooled machine guns on the foremast guns in the charge of Gunnery Sergeant Charles E. Douglas. Intense
flames enveloped the forward superstructure, endangering Douglas and his men, and prompting orders for them to abandon their
station. They steadfastly remained at their posts, however, keeping the .50-caliber Brownings firing amidst the swirling black
smoke until the end of the action. Unlike the battleships the enemy had caught moored on Battleship Row, Pennsylvania (BB-38),
the fleet flagship, lay on keel blocks, sharing Dry Dock No. 1 at the Navy Yard with Cassin (DD-372) and Downes (DD-375)
-- two destroyers side-by-side ahead of her. Three of Pennsylvania's four propeller shafts had been removed and she was receiving
all steam, power, and water from the yard. Although her being in drydock had excused her from taking part in antiaircraft
drills, her crew swiftly manned her machine guns after the first bombs exploded among the PBY flying boats parked on the south
end of Ford Island. "Air defense stations" then sounded, followed by "general Close-up of the forward superstructure
of Nevada (BB-36) taken a few days after the Japanese attack as the battleship lay beached off Waipio Point. In the upper
portion of this view can be seen the forward machine gun position with its four .50-caliber water-cooled Brownings -- the
ones manned by Gunnery Sergeant Douglas and his men during the battle on 7 December. Note the extensive fire damage to the
superstructure below. In the lower portion of the picture can be seen one of the ship's 5-inch/51s, of the type manned by
Corporal Driskell at the start of the action. quarters." Men knocked the locks off ready-use ammunition stowage
and Pennsylvania opened fire about 0802. The fleet flagship and the two destroyers nestled in the drydock ahead of her led
a charmed life until dive bombers from Soryu and Hiryu targeted the drydock area between 0830 and 0915.* One bomb penetrated
Pennsylvania's boat deck, just to the rear of 5-inch/25 gun no. 7, and detonated in casemate no. 9. Of Pennsylvania's Marine
detachment, two men (Privates Patrick P. Tobin and George H. Wade, Jr.) died outright, 13 fell wounded, and six were listed
as missing. Three of the wounded Corporal Morris E. Nations and Jesse C. Vincent, Jr., and Private First Class Floyd D. Stewart
died later the same day.











Another infaous day,this time in New York City,NY,USA September 11,2001
I would like
to add that I was still on my way to school (on foot) when this had happened,and again I lived in NY,so when i heard that
it happened while I was walking,I was suprised. -------------------------------------8:45 a.m. (all times are EDT): A
hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World
Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire. Plane hits WTC. 9:03 a.m.: A second hijacked airliner,
United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes. Both buildings
are burning. 9:17 a.m.: The Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all New York City area airports. 9:21 a.m.: The Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey orders all bridges and tunnels in the New York area closed. 9:30 a.m.: President Bush,
speaking in Sarasota, Florida, says the country has suffered an "apparent terrorist attack." 9:40 a.m.: The FAA halts all
flight operations at U.S. airports, the first time in U.S. history that air traffic nationwide has been halted. 9:43 a.m.:
American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke. Evacuation begins immediately. 9:45
a.m.: The White House evacuates. 9:57 a.m.: Bush departs from Florida. 10:05 a.m.: The south tower of the World Trade Center
collapses, plummeting into the streets below. A massive cloud of dust and debris forms and slowly drifts away from the building.
Pentagon burns. 10:08 a.m.: Secret Service agents armed with automatic rifles are deployed into Lafayette Park across from
the White House. 10:10 a.m.: A portion of the Pentagon collapses. 10:10 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93, also hijacked, crashes
in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh. 10:13 a.m.: The United Nations building evacuates, including 4,700
people from the headquarters building and 7,000 total from UNICEF and U.N. development programs. 10:22 a.m.: In Washington,
the State and Justice departments are evacuated, along with the World Bank. 10:24 a.m.: The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic
aircraft flying into the United States are being diverted to Canada. Pennsylvania crash scene 10:28 a.m.: The World Trade
Center's north tower collapses from the top down as if it were being peeled apart, releasing a tremendous cloud of debris
and smoke. 10:45 a.m.: All federal office buildings in Washington are evacuated. 10.46 a.m.: U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell cuts short his trip to Latin America to return to the United States. First tower falls. 10.48 a.m.: Police confirm
the plane crash in Pennsylvania. 10:53 a.m.: New York's primary elections, scheduled for Tuesday, are postponed. 10:54 a.m.:
Israel evacuates all diplomatic missions. 10:57 a.m.: New York Gov. George Pataki says all state government offices are closed.
CNN.COM SPECIAL REPORT VIDEO/AUDIO U.S. cities unprepared for terrorism Sights and sounds MORE STORIES More terrorist activity
likely, Ashcroft says Bin Laden still in Afghanistan, Taliban say Musharraf: Pakistan's nuclear weapons secure Bush wants
to reopen Reagan National Airport Giuliani says New York open for business EXTRA INFORMATION U.S. aircraft overview Chronology
of terror CNNFN: Special Report RESOURCES Emergency contact information Maps Voices 11:02 a.m.: New York City Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani urges New Yorkers to stay at home and orders an evacuation of the area south of Canal Street. 11:16 a.m.: CNN reports
that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing emergency-response teams in a precautionary move. 11:18 a.m.:
American Airlines reports it has lost two aircraft. American Flight 11, a Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles, had
81 passengers and 11 crew aboard. Flight 77, a Boeing 757 en route from Washington's Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles,
had 58 passengers and six crew members aboard. Flight 11 slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Flight 77
hit the Pentagon. 11:26 a.m.: United Airlines reports that United Flight 93, en route from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco,
California, has crashed in Pennsylvania. The airline also says that it is "deeply concerned" about United Flight 175. 11:59
a.m.: United Airlines confirms that Flight 175, from Boston to Los Angeles, has crashed with 56 passengers and nine crew members
aboard. It hit the World Trade Center's south tower. 12:04 p.m.: Los Angeles International Airport, the destination of three
of the crashed airplanes, is evacuated. 12:15 p.m: San Francisco International Airport is evacuated and shut down. The airport
was the destination of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania. Second tower falls. 12:15 p.m.: The Immigration
and Naturalization Service says U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico are on the highest state of alert, but no decision has
been made about closing borders. 12:30 p.m.: The FAA says 50 flights are in U.S. airspace, but none are reporting any problems.
1:04 p.m.: Bush, speaking from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, says that all appropriate security measures are being
taken, including putting the U.S. military on high alert worldwide. He asks for prayers for those killed or wounded in the
attacks and says, "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
1:27 p.m.: A state of emergency is declared by the city of Washington. 1:44 p.m.: The Pentagon says five warships and two
aircraft carriers will leave the U.S. Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia, to protect the East Coast from further attack and
to reduce the number of ships in port. The two carriers, the USS George Washington and the USS John F. Kennedy, are headed
for the New York coast. The other ships headed to sea are frigates and guided missile destroyers capable of shooting down
aircraft. 1:48 p.m.: Bush leaves Barksdale Air Force Base aboard Air Force One and flies to an Air Force base in Nebraska.
Bush: "Attacks cowardly." 2 p.m.: Senior FBI sources tell CNN they are working on the assumption that the four airplanes that
crashed were hijacked as part of a terrorist attack. 2:30 p.m.: The FAA announces there will be no U.S. commercial air traffic
until noon EDT Wednesday at the earliest. 2:49 p.m.: At a news conference, Giuliani says that subway and bus service are partially
restored in New York City. Asked about the number of people killed, Giuliani says, "I don't think we want to speculate about
that -- more than any of us can bear." 3:55 p.m.: Karen Hughes, a White House counselor, says the president is at an undisclosed
location, later revealed to be Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, and is conducting a National Security Council meeting by
phone. Vice President ##### Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice are in a secure facility at the White House.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is at the Pentagon. 3:55 p.m.: Giuliani now says the number of critically injured in New
York City is up to 200 with 2,100 total injuries reported. 4 p.m: CNN National Security Correspondent David Ensor reports
that U.S. officials say there are "good indications" that Saudi militant Osama bin Laden, suspected of coordinating the bombings
of two U.S. embassies in 1998, is involved in the attacks, based on "new and specific" information developed since the attacks.
4:06 p.m.: California Gov. Gray Davis dispatches urban search-and-rescue teams to New York. 4:10 p.m.: Building 7 of the World
Trade Center complex is reported on fire. New York Mayor Giuliani 4:20 p.m.: U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, D-Florida, chairman of
the Senate Intelligence Committee, says he was "not surprised there was an attack (but) was surprised at the specificity."
He says he was "shocked at what actually happened -- the extent of it." 4:25 p.m.: The American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq
and the New York Stock Exchange say they will remain closed Wednesday. 4:30 p.m.: The president leaves Offutt Air Force Base
in Nebraska aboard Air Force One to return to Washington. Soot-covered man 5:15 p.m.: CNN Military Affairs Correspondent Jamie
McIntyre reports fires are still burning in part of the Pentagon. No death figures have been released yet. 5:20 p.m.: The
47-story Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex collapses. The evacuated building is damaged when the twin towers across
the street collapse earlier in the day. Other nearby buildings in the area remain ablaze. 5:30 p.m.: CNN Senior White House
Correspondent John King reports that U.S. officials say the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania could have been headed for
one of three possible targets: Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building. 6 p.m.: Explosions are heard in Kabul,
Afghanistan, hours after terrorist attacks targeted financial and military centers in the United States. The attacks occurred
at 2:30 a.m. local time. Afghanistan is believed to be where bin Laden, who U.S. officials say is possibly behind Tuesday's
deadly attacks, is located. U.S. officials say later that the United States had no involvement in the incident whatsoever.
The attack is credited to the Northern Alliance, a group fighting the Taliban in the country's ongoing civil war. 6:10 p.m.:Giuliani
urges New Yorkers to stay home Wednesday if they can. Stunned onlookers 6:40 p.m.: Rumsfeld, the U.S. defense secretary, holds
a news conference in the Pentagon, noting the building is operational. "It will be in business tomorrow," he says. 6:54 p.m.:
Bush arrives back at the White House aboard Marine One and is scheduled to address the nation at 8:30 p.m. The president earlier
landed at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland with a three-fighter jet escort. CNN's King reports Laura Bush arrived earlier
by motorcade from a "secure location." 7:17 p.m.: U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft says the FBI is setting up a Web site
for tips on the attacks: www.ifccfbi.gov. He also says family and friends of possible victims can leave contact information
at 800-331-0075. 7:02 p.m.: CNN's Paula Zahn reports the Marriott Hotel near the World Trade Center is on the verge of collapse
and says some New York bridges are now open to outbound traffic. WTC devastation 7:45 p.m.: The New York Police Department
says that at least 78 officers are missing. The city also says that as many as half of the first 400 firefighters on the scene
were killed. 8:30 p.m.: President Bush addresses the nation, saying "thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil" and asks
for prayers for the families and friends of Tuesday's victims. "These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel
of American resolve," he says. The president says the U.S. government will make no distinction between the terrorists who
committed the acts and those who harbor them. He adds that government offices in Washington are reopening for essential personnel
Tuesday night and for all workers Wednesday. 9:22 p.m.: CNN's McIntyre reports the fire at the Pentagon is still burning and
is considered contained but not under control. 9:57 p.m.: Giuliani says New York City schools will be closed Wednesday and
no more volunteers are needed for Tuesday evening's rescue efforts. He says there is hope that there are still people alive
in rubble. He also says that power is out on the westside of Manhattan and that health department tests show there are no
airborne chemical agents about which to worry. 10:49 p.m.: CNN Congressional Correspondent Jonathan Karl reports that Attorney
General Ashcroft told members of Congress that there were three to five hijackers on each plane armed only with knives. 10:56
p.m: CNN's Zahn reports that New York City police believe there are people alive in buildings near the World Trade Center.
11:54 p.m.: CNN Washington Bureau Chief Frank Sesno reports that a government official told him there was an open microphone
on one of the hijacked planes and that sounds of discussion and "duress" were heard. Sesno also reports a source says law
enforcement has "credible" information and leads and is confident about the investigation.

